Your generosity makes Upper Valley MEND possible.
We are honored to be the vehicle through which you do good in your community. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Or send a check to: Upper Valley MEND, PO Box 772, Leavenworth, WA 98826.
Your wishes when donating are always our top priority. If you specify that you would like your donation to support one specific program, your money goes directly to that program. If you support the Greatest Need, your donation is used for whichever program has the greatest need at the time.
Other Ways to Give
Giving monthly donations means you’re there for your neighbors, month after month.
Recurring Donations
Planned gifts make a big difference. Leave a gift in your will to support Upper Valley MEND in the future.
Leave a Legacy Gift
Give a Gift of Stock
Giving stocks or bonds can provide you the ability to make a larger impact on our community.
Why I donate.
Jenn Anderson became part of MEND in 2014. She has an elderly relative that sometimes uses the Community Cupboard so Jenn sees in a very real way how she can help her neighbors through MEND.
"Leavenworth is a struggle to live in sometimes," she said. "MEND has an amazing vision of how to help people."
Jenn donates each month using an automatic debit.
"It's an amount that is comfortable to give each month. I never think about it," she said. "It's nice to get the email thanking me each month and at the end of the year, I just think 'Cool'."